Contact us

Contact: Jane Grainger
Tel: +27 10 595 9690
Mobile: +27 83 453 4888

Contact: Liz Visser
Tel: +27 10 595 9690
Mobile: +27 83 261 6112

Contact: Office
Tel: +27 10 595 9690
Mobile: +27 71 869 0150 

Address: Unit 9 Factoria Industrial Estate, 25 Louis Friedman Street, Factoria

Operating hours:
Mon-Thurs: 08h30 – 16h00 | Friday: 08h30 – 15h00 | Weekends: Closed

Deliveries & collections: 9am to 3pm only

We would love to hear from you!

Let us know if there is anything we can help you with.